September 2019 Update

We start this month’s update with our good friend Dave Warby in Australia who has very kindly written the following account for us of the latest development runs of his  jet hydroplane Spirit of Australia II so sit back have a brew and enjoy reading what it is...

August 2019 Update inc. Electrics

This month as part of the venture, we continued with the tasks required to be in a position to test the twin Viper jet engines for our jet hydroplane Longbow (and her spare engine). For those of you who have been following our progress in the monthly updates, you will...

July 2019 Update

This month marked the 50 year anniversary since astronauts first bounced around on the moon but our good friend Dave Warby in Australia found out that gravity back here on earth, can still mess you up pretty good when he took a tumble in the workshop attending to odd...

June 2019 Update

Thank you for tuning in to this month’s update as summer looks like it has finally arrived here in the UK, or should I say at least it hasn’t rained in the last few days and the heating has stopped coming on. So what have we been up to over the last few...

May 2019 Update

To kick off this month’s update, our good friend Dave Warby reports exclusively back to us as follows, on the development of his jet hydroplane Spirit of Australia II where Dave and his Team travelled to Blowering Dam, New South Wales, Australia a couple of...

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