January 2023 Update

Thank you for tuning in to the first of our monthly updates for what promises to be an exciting year with the building of our jet hydroplane Longbow.  At this stage of the build a big shout out goes to a couple of our sponsors and so in the first instance to Alan...

December 2022 Update

Early timing of our update this month as our website guru Neil of Progress Concepts asked me if I could jot something down, sooner rather than later as he is taking a well earned break for the seasonal holidays.  They do say time goes quicker as you become older and...

November 2022 Update

This month saw our good friend Dave Warby and his Team back at Taree on the Manning River, NSW, Australia for the latest round of tests of his jet hydroplane Spirit of Australia II.  The amount of time and effort required along with the considerable costs associated...

October 2022 Update

We begin this month’s update in the Lake District with the  50th Anniversary of Coniston Water Records Week being held over five days as I write this diary blog. There are as usual both UK and worldwide entries for this very prestigious event on the same stretch...

September 2022 Update

An early monthly update this time around folks as our website guru Neil of Progress Concepts is off for a well deserved holiday,  so we pestered him just before he goes away to squeeze this one in before he jetted off.  Fortunately for Neil and those who get bored...

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